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  • 【作者】:王文星
  • 【出版时间】:2009-06
  • 【字 数】:579(千字)
  • 【定 价】:¥48.00(元)
  • 【出 版 社】:中南大学出版社
  • 【ISBN】:978-7-81105-771-3
  • 【页 码】:368(页)
  • 【开 本】:16开
It is well known that rock mass mechanics is a branch of application mechanics. At present, rock mass mechanics is still a young discipline, therefore many specialists and scholars are attracted to its study—“let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend”, and “like the Eight Immortals crossing the seas, each showing his true worth”. The development tendency of rock mass mechanics is on the ascent. The teaching materials and monographs at home and abroad are too numerous to mention one by one, and their profundity and adaptive scope of readers are different.

Six points of consideration in writing this book are: 

1. Rock and rock mass are products of the geological action. There are close relationships among the mechanical characteristics of rock mass, the mechanical problems of rock mass projects and the geological characteristic of rock mass. Therefore, this book was written by combining the geological practices of rock and rock mass with the best of one’s abilities.

2. From the lithology point of view, there is no difference between rock and rock mass, but from the point of view of rock mass mechanics, they are separable and distinguishable. They differ in the texture and structures. Their mechanical characteristics vary with the texture and structures. Thus, the contents of this book were divided into three categories, namely, rock, rock mass and rock mass project. Also, the relationship among them was regarded.

3. Because rock mass mechanics is a branch of application mechanics, the knowledge and the formulae of classical mechanics used in this book will not be lectured repeatedly and deduced in detail.

4. The theories and techniques of modern rock mass mechanics are very abundant and complicated, but the service objects of this book are mainly undergraduates, therefore, in selecting its contents of the differences between undergraduates and graduates were considered and mainly the most basic theories and techniques were lectured. In order that the teaching of undergraduates is not disjointed the teaching of graduates and give some information to the students who wish to study for master’s degree, some new research efforts in process of development were introduced properly.

5. For the convenience of teaching, in dealing with the contents of the book the correlative knowledge points were concentrated together as possible as they can be done in order for students to study them systematically.

6. The fundamentals and methods of the stereographic projection and the entity proportional projection and elastoplastic analysis of stresses and displacements of rock surrounding an excavation in axial symmetry condition will not be put in the text. They are treated separately in Appendices 1 and Appendices 2. 

The writing of this book has received supports, encouragements and assistances of the principals of the Resource and Safety Engineering College and Professor Pan Changliang, Cao Ping, Wang Liguan, Tang Lizhong and Professor Yang Dian. In this book, a great deal of materials were quoted from the writings of the professors and scholars, domestic and overseas, here I express my heartfelt thanks.

Due to author’s limited level, errors and oversights are unavoidable, so comments and criticism will be warmly welcomed.

Introduction (1)
Chapter 1 Mechanical characteristics of rocks (7)
1.1 Static characteristics of rocks (7)
1.1.1 Mechanical characteristics of rocks under uniaxial stress condition (7)
1.1.2 Mechanical characteristics of rocks under shear load (20)
1.1.3 Mechanical characteristics of rocks under triaxial compression (23)
1.2 The rheological characteristics of rocks (28)
1.2.1 Creep curves and its characteristics of rock (28)
1.2.2 Loading methods for the creep tests of rock (29)
1.2.3 Rheologic constitutive models of rock (30)
1.3 Factors affecting mechanical properties of rocks (39)
1.3.1 Influence of mineral components on the mechanical properties of rocks (40)
1.3.2 Influence of the texture and structure of rocks on the mechanical properties
of rocks (40)
1.3.3 Influence of water on the mechanical properties of rocks (45)
1.3.4 Influence of temperature on the mechanical properties of rocks (50)
1.4 Failure criterions of rock (52)
1.4.1 Maximum tensile strain criterion (52)
1.4.2 Mohr and MohrCoulomb criteria (53)
1.4.3 Griffith and correctional Griffith criteria (57)
Chapter 2 Mechanical characteristics of rock mass (61)
2.1 Characteristics of structural plane and structural body in rock mass (61)
2.1.1 Characteristics of structural planes (61)
2.1.2 Characteristics of structural bodies (64)
2.2 Static characteristics of rock mass (65)
2.2.1 Mechanical characteristics of discontinuities under shear load (65)
2.2.2 Failure mechanism of rock mass (73)
2.2.3 Failure criterion and estimation of strength and deformation parameters of
rock mass (75)
2.2.4 Determination of deformation parameters and strength of insitu rock mass
2.3 Dynamic characteristics of rock mass (90)
2.3.1 Elastic wave exploration technique (90)
2.3.2 Acoustic emission technique (105)
2.4 Hydraulical characteristics of rock mass (111)
2.4.1 Hydrogeogical structures of rock mass (112)
2.4.2 Seepage in rock mass (114)
2.5 Thermodynamic characteristics of rock mass (119)
2.5.1 Calorifics properties of rock and determination parameters of calorifics of
rock mass (119)
2.5.2 Determination of rock mass calorifics parameters (121)
2.5.3 Thermodynamical effect of rock mass (121)
Chapter 3 Synthetical investigation and classification of rock mass (127)
3.1 Methods for synthetical investigation and analysis of rock mass (127)
3.1.1 Borehole investigation (127)
3.1.2 Investigation on exposed surface (129)
3.1.3 Spatial distribution law of structural planes (134)
3.1.4 Statistical law of structural plane spacings (139)
3.2 Classifications of rock mass structure (141)
3.3 Engineering classifications of rock mass (142)
3.3.1 Reference considerations of engineering classification of rock mass (142)
3.3.2 Rock Quality Designation (RQD) index proposed by Deere et al (145)
3.3.3 Bieniawski’s Geomechanics Classification of jointed rock mass (145)
3.3.4 Barton et al’s classification of rock mass (148)
Chapter 4 Original stresses in rock mass (155)
4.1 Gravitational stress in rock mass (155)
4.2 Tectonic stress in a rock mass (158)
4.2.1 Conception of tectonic stress in a rock mass (158)
4.2.2 Origin of tectonic movement (158)
4.2.3 Analysis of tectonic stress field (163)
4.3 Measurement of original stress in rock mass (168)
4.3.1 Stress relief method (169)
4.3.2 Hydrofracturing method (176)
4.4 Distribution state of original stress in rock mass (180)
Chapter 5 Rock slope (184)
5.1 Evaluation of potential problems of rock slopes (184)
5.1.1 Basic failure types of slopes (184)
5.1.2 Compiling of structural plot of slope rock mass (186)
5.2 Analysis of plane failure (194)
5.2.1 Conditions of a plane failure (194)
5.2.2 Method for analyzing a plane failure (194)
5.3 Analysis of wedge failure (198)
5.3.1 Analysis of wedge failure: only the friction force of the structural plane is
considered (199)
5.3.2 Analysis of wedge failure: consider simultaneously friction and cohesion of
discontinuities as well as water pressure (200)
5.3.3 General analytical method of wedge failure (203)
5.4 Monitoring of slope (214)
5.5 Maintenance of a slope (220)
5.5.1 Drainage of a slope (220)
5.5.2 Reinforcement of a slope (221)
Chapter 6 Underground opening (228)
6.1 Underground excavation (228)
6.1.1 Stress distribution in surrounding rock and lining of an excavation (228)
6.1.2 Stability analysis and pressure calculation of surrounding rock (239)
6.1.3 Support and monitoring technique of excavations (260)
6.2 Shaft (281)
6.2.1 Stress distribution in rock mass surrounding a shaft (281)
6.2.2 Evaluation of the stability of rock mass surrounding a shaft (282)
6.2.3 Calculation of pressure on lining of shafts (288)
Chapter 7 Batholith (295)
7.1 Batholith under vertical load (295)
7.1.1 Stress distribution in batholith (295)
7.1.2 Settlement of batholith (297)
7.1.3 Bearing capacity of batholith (300)
7.2 Batholith under inclined load (302)
7.2.1 Stress distribution in batholith (302)
7.2.2 Bearing capacity of batholith (306)
Appendix 1 Stereographic projection and entity proportional projection
of structural units in rock mass (310)
Appendix 2 Elastoplastic analysis of stress and displacement in surounding rock
mass of a circular excavation in axial symmetry condition (334)
Appendix 3 Explanation of some professional terms (340)
References (347)

It is well known that rock mass mechanics is a branch of application mechanics. At present, rock mass mechanics is still a young discipline, therefore many specialists and scholars are attracted to its study—“let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend”, and “like the Eight Immortals crossing the seas, each showing his true worth”. The development tendency of rock mass mechanics is on the ascent. The teaching materials and monographs at home and abroad are too numerous to mention one by one, and their profundity and adaptive scope of readers are different.

This book consists of the original lecture notes used for ten years, life time experience of the writer’s and development of the discipline in recent years.

Six points of consideration in writing this book are: 

1. Rock and rock mass are products of the geological action. There are close relationships among the mechanical characteristics of rock mass, the mechanical problems of rock mass projects and the geological characteristic of rock mass. Therefore, this book was written by combining the geological practices of rock and rock mass with the best of one’s abilities.

2. From the lithology point of view, there is no difference between rock and rock mass, but from the point of view of rock mass mechanics, they are separable and distinguishable. They differ in the texture and structures. Their mechanical characteristics vary with the texture and structures. Thus, the contents of this book were divided into three categories, namely, rock, rock mass and rock mass project. Also, the relationship among them was regarded.

3. Because rock mass mechanics is a branch of application mechanics, the knowledge and the formulae of classical mechanics used in this book will not be lectured repeatedly and deduced in detail.

4. The theories and techniques of modern rock mass mechanics are very abundant and complicated, but the service objects of this book are mainly undergraduates, therefore, in selecting its contents of the differences between undergraduates and graduates were considered and mainly the most basic theories and techniques were lectured. In order that the teaching of undergraduates is not disjointed the teaching of graduates and give some information to the students who wish to study for master’s degree, some new research efforts in process of development were introduced properly.

5. For the convenience of teaching, in dealing with the contents of the book the correlative knowledge points were concentrated together as possible as they can be done in order for students to study them systematically.

6. The fundamentals and methods of the stereographic projection and the entity proportional projection and elastoplastic analysis of stresses and displacements of rock surrounding an excavation in axial symmetry condition will not be put in the text. They are treated separately in Appendices 1 and Appendices 2. 

The writing of this book has received supports, encouragements and assistances of the principals of the Resource and Safety Engineering College and Professor Pan Changliang, Cao Ping, Wang Liguan, Tang Lizhong and Professor Yang Dian. In this book, a great deal of materials were quoted from the writings of the professors and scholars, domestic and overseas, here I express my heartfelt thanks.

Due to author’s limited level, errors and oversights are unavoidable, so comments and criticism will be warmly welcomed.

 The author

站在21世纪全球发展战略的高度来审视世界矿业,可 以清楚地看到,矿业作为国民经济的基础产业,与其他传统 产业一样,在现代科学技术突飞猛进的推动下,也正逐步走 向现代化。就金属矿床开采领域而言,现今的采矿工程科学 技术与20世纪90年代以前的相比,已经不可同日而语。为 了适应矿业快速发展的形势,国家需要大批具有现代采矿知 识的专业人才,因此,作为优秀专业人才培养的重要基础建 设之一———教材建设就显得至关重要。

在2006—2010年地矿学科教学指导委员会(以下简称地 矿学科教指委)的成立大会上,委员们一致认为,抓教材建 设是本届教学指导委员会的重要任务之一,特别是金属矿采 矿工程专业的教材,现在多是20世纪90年代出版的,教材 更新已迫在眉睫。2006年10月18~20日在中南大学召开了 第一次地矿学科教指委全体会议,会上委员们就开始酝酿采 矿工程专业系列教材的编写拟题;之后,中南大学出版社主 动承担该系列教材的出版工作,并积极协助地矿学科教指委 于2007年6月22~24日在中南大学召开了“全国采矿工程 专业学科发展与教材建设研讨会”,来自全国17所院校的金 属、非金属矿床采矿工程专业和部分煤矿开采专业的领导及 骨干教师代表参加了会议,会议拟定了采矿工程专业系列教 材的选题和主编单位;从那以后,地矿学科教指委和中南大 学出版社又分别在昆明和长沙召开了两次采矿工程专业系列 教材编写大纲的审定工作会议。

本次新规划出版的采矿工程专业系列教材侧重于金属矿 床开采领域。编审委员会通过充分地沟通和研讨,在总结以往教学和教材编撰经 验的基础上,以推动新世纪采矿工程专业教学改革和教材建设为宗旨,提出了采 矿工程专业系列教材的编写原则和要求:①教材的体系、知识层次和结构要合 理,要遵循教学规律,既要有利于组织教学又要有利于学生学习;②教材内容要 体现科学性、系统性、新颖性和实用性,并做到有机结合;③要重视基础,又要 强调采矿工程专业的实践性和针对性;④要体现时代特性和创新精神,反映采矿 工程学科的新技术、新方法、新规范、新标准等。

采矿科学技术在不断发展,采矿工程专业的教材需要不断完善和更新。希望 全国参与采矿工程专业教材编写的专家们共同努力,写出更多、更好的采矿工程 专业新教材。我们相信,本系列教材的出版对我国采矿工程专业高级人才的培养 和采矿工程专业教育事业的发展将起到十分积极的推进作用,对我国矿山安全、 经济、高效开采,保障我国矿业持续、健康、快速发展也有着十分重要的意义。
